For Faculty

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Sustainability Certificate Course Approval Guidelines for Faculty Members 

All University of Iowa instructors, in whatever department or college, may submit an appropriate course for possible inclusion in the Sustainability Certificate curriculum.  The Sustainability Certificate Faculty Advisory Committee, comprised of faculty from diverse disciplines and colleges, evaluates proposed courses and chooses those it believes will best serve certificate students. 

Please include the following in all course proposals:

  • A syllabus of the proposed course
    • that includes the topic of sustainability in its course description
    • that also includes at least two of the three intersecting concerns of sustainability in its course goals and evidence that these concerns are addressed in class discussions, readings, or exercises.
  • Those intersecting concerns are environmental integrity, economic viability, and social justice.
  • A brief narrative explaining how the course addresses sustainability and the ways it would be an important addition to the certificate’s plan of study
    • Please confirm in the narrative that the proposed course will be offered at least every other year and that at least three times in total
    • If the course proposed is intended to replace one now listed for the certificate, please indicate how the newly proposed course contributes equally to the certificate. 
  • Any additional materials you think helpful to the committee in making its decisions
    • These materials might include a description of the books for the class and how they address sustainability and a model lesson or assignment.

Course proposals are due the last Friday in October.  Approved courses will be added to the certificate curriculum at the next catalog revision.  

Submit proposals to Jenni-Stacy-Adams, Coordinator, Sustainability Certificate Program at C210 Pomerantz Center.  Proposals may be submitted as attachments to