Trees in a forest

Earth Month

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Earth Month Hub

daily iowa earth day 1970

Earth Day, observed annually on April 22, brings together people from across the globe to appreciate our environment and advocate for its protection. The inaugural Earth Day in 1970 galvanized 20 million Americans, leading to pivotal environmental legislation such as the Clean Air Act and the Endangered Species Act.

At the University of Iowa, students, faculty, and staff have been actively engaged with Earth Day since its inception. On Wednesday, April 22, 1970, they hosted an Earth Day Parade and a Teach-In, which catalyzed the creation of a UI Environmental Curriculum Steering Committee, numerous environmental community organizations, and a variety of pollution reduction initiatives.

Over the years, Earth Day has evolved from a single day of awareness to a month-long celebration.  Join us throughout April to explore and celebrate the impactful work our campus and community does to advance sustainability education, research, and action.

Earth Month Events

Do you have a sustainability-focused event happening during Earth Month you want us to help promote?  Submit your event and we'll add it to our Earth Month Hub as well as our other Earth Month marketing.

Submit Your Event


Promise to the Planet 

Saturday, April 5

Earth Expo | Robert A Lee Community Center | 1:00 p.m.


Tuesday, April 22

Coming Soon


Friday, April 25

Arbor Day Celebration | Iowa City Public Library | 4:00 p.m.

City Nature Challenge | Johnson County | All Day (Volunteers Needed)