College of Liberal Arts & Sciences

Bike Safety
Bicycle riders should follow the rules of the road along with motor vehicles. Adhering to the laws protects you and other motorists. Remember these tips for everyone’s safety:
- Wear a bicycle helmet
- Respect the pedestrian right of way
- Anticipate conflict
- Follow the traffic laws
- Share the road and walkways
Biking Rules and Regulations
- University of Iowa Bicycle Laws and Regulations
- Iowa Bike Laws and Regulations (provided by Iowa DOT):
**See this graphic in Chinese or Spanish.
Preventing Theft
- Tips for securing your bicycle from UI Parking and Transportation
- Information on locks and security from the National Bike Registry
- Report a stolen bike to UI Police Department immediately or call the local police department within the community where the bike was stolen. Provide the bike registration number, serial number, make, model, size and color.
Other Tips and Safety Resources
BIKE QUIZ: take this quiz to test your knowledge about bike safety and get a coupon for a discount at local bike shops!
- Helmets are necessary for bicycle safety. As part of the Well On Our Way program at UI Wellness, faculty and staff can earn points towards a free bike helmet. The University of Iowa Children’s Hospital Safety Store offers reduced price helmets for kids and adults.
- Riding through busy intersections can be scary. Here are some tips from League of American Bicyclists for riding in traffic.
- It's easy to forget that braking can be just as dangerous as riding. Make sure you know how to brake safely.
- See these videos from the League of American Bicyclists that show techniques for improving your ride, your rights as a bicyclist and how to ride safely on the road. See also this video for more safety tips.