College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
Green Roof Installed

The University of Iowa's first-ever green roof continues to take root. Workers installed additional plants atop the café section of the Pappajohn Biomedical Discovery Building (PBDB) on Tuesday, July 29.
The 6,440 square-feet rooftop spread of colorful and hardy greenery not only enhances the character and work environment of the research building, but also provides a sustainable strategy for mitigating rainfall runoff, filtering water, saving energy costs on heating and cooling, and prolonging the life cycle of the roof materials.
The green roof is one feature of the new PBDB, which will house the Pappajohn Biomedical Institute, the Fraternal Order of Eagles Diabetes Research Institute, and other leading centers and programs.
See more photos of the PBDB green roof installation in IowaNow.
In this Iowa City Press Citizen article, Darice Baxter, an environmental specialist for UI's Planning, Design and Construction Environmental Services, called green roofs a "win-win." The gardens prolong the life of a roof's membrane by protecting it from UV rays, while also reducing stormwater runoff and enhancing the work environment for employees.
"One of the nice features of having a green roof from an aesthetics perspective is that it makes you happy when you go outside," Baxter said. "It's not just a plain old roof; you get to see some greenery up there, so it's pleasing for building occupants. You can go up there, relax, have a coffee and hang out."
A smaller 600-square-foot green roof is scheduled to be installed on the Seamans Center in September; other green roofs are being planned for other new construction on campus.