College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
President's Block Party Recycling/Composting Efforts

Thanks to many volunteers and first-year students, the On Iowa 2014 President's Block Party diverted 87 percent of the waste from the landfill through recycling and composting.
A whopping 2,021 pounds were diverted this year at the Aug. 24 event, resulting in:
- 880 pounds single-stream recycling
- 538 pounds organics (food and compostable plates, utensils)
- 530 pounds food donated to Table to Table by UI Dining
- 300 pounds trash
- 58 pounds plastic bags and liners recycled at City Carton
- 25 pounds recycled serving dishes (estimated)
The Delta Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi at the University of Iowa provided 30 volunteers to support the effort, and they did a great job! While the 2013 Block Party efforts resulted in 94 percent diversion, this year's rate was down slightly because less water was in the recycling bins. Volunteers emptied water bottles before placing them into bins. Water in containers can hinder the recycling process at City Carton.
UI Dining staff also helped with the waste diversion by cleaning off serving dishes which makes them easier to recycle.
Working with the OnIowa committee and the Office of the President, the Office of Sustainability and UI Facilities Management have coordinated recycling and composting at the Block Party since 2010.
We look forward to next year!