Learn to Recycle Right During RecycleMania 2018

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February 05, 2018

The University of Iowa is kicking its recycling efforts into high gear to compete in RecycleMania, a national competition that encourages colleges and universities across the U.S. and Canada to recycle more and landfill less.

During RecycleMania, Feb.  4 to March 31, the Office of Sustainability will reward your recycling efforts with weekly prize drawings and a chance to host the coveted RecycleMania trophy!  Plus, if you participate in at least four of the eight weeks, you will earn a RecycleManiac Certificate of Achievement and you’ll be entered into the grand prize drawing.

Each week will cover a new topic on how to “Recycle Right” and give you another chance to win:

  • Week 1 – Feb. 4-10: Pledge to Recycle
  • Week 2 – Feb. 11-17: Where Does My Recycling Go?
  • Week 3 – Feb. 18-24: Recycle Cardboard
  • Week 4 – Feb. 25- March 3: No Plastic Bags
  • Week 5 - March 4-10: Recycle Bottles and Cans
  • Week 6 - March 11-17: Recycle Paper
  • Week 7 - March 18-24: What Not to Recycle
  • Week 8 - March 25-March 31: Don’t feed the Landfill 

Simply log your participation into the online form each week for your chance to win.  Get entered into the Week 1 prize drawing by taking the “Pledge to Recycle Right.”

At the end of each week, the UI Office of Sustainability will submit weight data to RecycleMania for recycling, composting, and trash to see how we stack up against other universities in the Big Ten and beyond.

To date, more than 300 colleges and universities are participating in RecycleMania. During RecycleMania 2017 the UI diverted 45.6 percent of its waste from the landfill.

For more information see recycle.uiowa.edu or contact Beth MacKenzie elizabeth-k-mackenzie@uiowa.edu, 319-384-3415.