August Events

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Iowa City Farmer's Market

August 7, 2021 - 7:30am

The Iowa City Farmers Market is managed by the Iowa City Parks and Recreation Department. It is an open-air market held in the Chauncey Swan parking ramp, Chauncey Swan Park, and on E. Washington St. in downtown Iowa City from May through October. They strive to serve culturally and economically diverse populations by providing access to fresh, locally produced products.

Iowa City Farmer's Market

August 14, 2021 - 7:30am

The Iowa City Farmers Market is managed by the Iowa City Parks and Recreation Department. It is an open-air market held in the Chauncey Swan parking ramp, Chauncey Swan Park, and on E. Washington St. in downtown Iowa City from May through October. They strive to serve culturally and economically diverse populations by providing access to fresh, locally produced products.

Prairie Tour: Wildflowers and Pollinators on the UI Campus!

Prairie Tour: Wildflowers and Pollinators on the UI Campus!

August 17, 2021 - 8:45am

Join staff from the Office of Sustainability and Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences on Tuesday, August 17th, 8:45-10:45 AM for a tour of the UI Ashton Cross Country Prairie Restoration project. See prairie wildflowers and native pollinators on the UI campus!  Join prairie specialists and fellow Hawkeyes for a tour of a newly reconstructed prairie.  Learn how the UI campus is becoming more sustainable and environmentally friendly.  Staff members from the Office of Sustainability...

Living Green On Campus & Beyond: Office of Sustainability Open House

Living Green On Campus & Beyond: Office of Sustainability Open House

August 19, 2021 - 10:00am

Interested in living a more eco-friendly lifestyle, studying sustainability, or meeting other students interested in environmental issues? Visit the Office of Sustainability and the Environment's Open House during On Iowa! to discover the world of sustainability here at Iowa. Stop by for a free plant to grow in your new living space, meet student org leaders, and learn how to make sustainability a part of your academic career....

Living Green On Campus & Beyond: Office of Sustainability Open House

Living Green On Campus & Beyond: Office of Sustainability Open House

August 20, 2021 - 10:00am

Interested in living a more eco-friendly lifestyle, studying sustainability, or meeting other students interested in environmental issues? Visit the Office of Sustainability and the Environment's Open House during On Iowa! to discover the world of sustainability here at Iowa. Stop by for a free plant to grow in your new living space, meet student org leaders, and learn how to make sustainability a part of your academic career....

Iowa City Farmer's Market

August 21, 2021 - 7:30am

The Iowa City Farmers Market is managed by the Iowa City Parks and Recreation Department. It is an open-air market held in the Chauncey Swan parking ramp, Chauncey Swan Park, and on E. Washington St. in downtown Iowa City from May through October. They strive to serve culturally and economically diverse populations by providing access to fresh, locally produced products.

On Iowa! Farmers Market Tour

On Iowa! Farmers Market Tour

August 21, 2021 - 8:30am

Meet for a short walk to Iowa City’s iconic and vibrant Farmers Market. Gather on the downtown-facing steps of the Old Capitol at 8:30am. Join the Office of Sustainability and the Environment staff and student interns for a tour of the farmers market, and an introduction to the UI and Iowa City’s local food movement, as we stroll through the market’s myriad offerings of excellent food, sights and smells, and music....

Pentacrest Museums Grand Re-Opening

Pentacrest Museums Grand Re-Opening

August 21, 2021 - 10:00am

It's our Grand Re-Opening event and you're invited! In a celebration of our community’s resiliency and all we accomplished in our galleries, exhibits, and behind-the-scenes while you were away, we welcome you back to explore in a fun-filled day: ...

Iowa City Farmer's Market

August 28, 2021 - 7:30am

The Iowa City Farmers Market is managed by the Iowa City Parks and Recreation Department. It is an open-air market held in the Chauncey Swan parking ramp, Chauncey Swan Park, and on E. Washington St. in downtown Iowa City from May through October. They strive to serve culturally and economically diverse populations by providing access to fresh, locally produced products.

Plant Giveaway with the Office of Sustainability & the University Libraries

Plant Giveaway with the Office of Sustainability & the University Libraries

August 31, 2021 - 11:00am

If you missed OSE's plant giveaway during OnIowa, now's your chance to grab your next plant friend! Join the University Libraries in partnership with the Office of Sustainability & the Environment to learn about the benefits of plants. Visit with us to learn more about plant care and even take home a plant of your very own! LIMITED quantities of potted plants will be available on a first come, first serve basis! And don't forget to follow @uiowalibraries and @SustainUI and tag us if you...