College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
Gameday Recycling Program
Kinnick Pop-Pick-Up
Since 2012, Kinnick Stadium has participated in game day recycling, reducing the amount of trash ending up in the landfill after football games. The game day recycling program has three areas of concentration:
- Pre-game: Recycling containers are placed at the Kinnick entrance gates and are staffed by volunteers to help fans sort their recyclable materials.
- Game-time: Food service workers and Aramark collect food and kitchen waste in the concession stands and Press Box areas for composting. Recycling bins are set in the concourse areas, along with the Coca-Cola bottle-shaped bins.
- Post-game cleanup: Students from City High, West High, and Iowa City junior highs, as well as UI Dance Marathon and other student orgs, clean up the stadium and separate recyclable materials from trash bright and early the morning after each game day.
UI Dance Marathon Supports Game Day Recycling and Vice Versa
This year, through a partnership with Can Shed and Kinnick Stadium, Dance Marathon has created a new program called "Pop-Pick-Up." This program keeps valuable materials out of the landfill while supporting a great cause! Dance Marathon volunteers staff the gates and direct football fans to place their cans and bottles into collection boxes. After kickoff, Dance Marathon volunteers begin to clean up around the gates to help maintain a healthy Iowa City! On Sunday, members of Dance Marathon gather at Kinnick and sort all cans collected on Saturday. The end result, less pollution, and money towards the children's hospital!
Volunteer! - SIGN UP TODAY!
If you have free time and are interested please sign-up using the link below! Every person makes a difference in not only sustainability but in pediatric cancer!
This is a great opportunity for fraternities, sororities, and student orgs to fulfill service hours early in the school year, PLUS it gives your org exposure to recruit members while making a difference. Be a part of this fun and spirited volunteer opportunity.
Fan Responsibilities
Fans can do their part by collecting redeemable bottles and cans during their tailgate event and providing them to Dance Marathon volunteers. Fans can also help by recycling bottles and cans properly inside the stadium. Please do not recycle plastic bags, glass, food or food-contaminated containers. Please empty liquids from containers before recycling!