Environmental Justice - Tools & Resources

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Find Tools, Organizations, and Resources that Support Environmental Justice


Mapping Segregation in Iowa City - Race restrictive covenants in Iowa City and Johnson County iowa city

Indigenous Midwest -  An ever-expanding website using mapping, modeling, and text analysis to produce exhibits highlighting Indigenous people of the Midwest iowa city

The COVID Racial Data Tracker - Advocates for, collects, publishes, and analyzes racial data on the pandemic across the United States.

Environmental Justice Atlas - Documents and catalogues social conflict around environmental issues 

Life at the Fence-Line:  Understanding Cumulative Health Hazards in Environmental Justice Communities - Map approximately 12,500 high-risk Risk Management Plan (RMP) facilities in the US

Green Equity Toolkit - Standards and Strategies for Advancing Race, Gender, and Economic Equity in the Green Economy

Best practices for adding a racial equity lens to sustainability -  Craft an equity project plan using the provided guide and worksheet

Native Land Interactive Map - Find Indigenous nation territories, languages, and treaties by location

EPA EJSCREEN - A mapping and screening tool based on nationally consistent data and combines environmental and demographic indicators in maps and reports

Racial Equity & Social Justice Resources for the Higher Education Sustsainability Community - An open-source document created by the Association for the Advacement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE)


The Iowa Chapter of Physicians for Social Responsibility iowa city

UI Native American Council  iowa city

National Black Environmental Justice Network

Environmental Justice Network

Race, Poverty, and the Environment

Indigenous Environmental Network

Deep South Center for Environmental Justice

WE ACT for Environmental Justice

United Church of Christ

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Environmental Justice Health Alliance

Equitable & Just National Climate Platform

Center for Earth, Energy and Democracy

Texas Environmental Justice Advocacy Services

Just Transition Alliance

Women's Earth & Climate Action Network, International

Movement Rights

Food and Land Justice Organizations


Iowa City Social Justice and Racial Equity Grant iowa city

EPA Environmental Justice Grants 

Grassroots Communities Mining Mini-Grant Program